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Showing posts with the label Hat Industries

Polybian Roman

1:72 Polybian Roman army for De Bellis Multitudinis. Hat Industrie figures.

Celts WIP

Based for De Bellis Multitudinis and primed for painting.

Haradrim Horsemen

28mm Hat Industries Andalusian Light Cavalry painted as Lord of the Rings Haradrim.  

Prussian Uhlans Vs Wasabi Potato Chips

WIP French Horse Grenadiers

More paint on the Grenadiers a Cheval de la Garde Imperial or specifically, on the horses' arses... posted from Bloggeroid

Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale being painted

More work on the French Horse Grenadiers. French Foreign Legion figures are also being prepped for painting.

The Shape of Things To Come

Napoleonic French Mamelukes

Hat Industries' first release! posted from Bloggeroid